
What Divided by 97 Equals 1?

Accepted Solution


Unearthing the number that Divides 97 to Get 1

In mathematical problems like this, the term "what" is a placeholder for an unknown variable. Let's assign this variable as "x". Therefore, our task is to find a number 'x', such that when it is divided by 97, we get an equivalent of 1.

x/97 = 1----(eqn 1)

We aim to isolate variable x from the equation. This can be done by doing a multiplication of both sides of the equation by 97. This action gives us a new equation:

x = 1*97 ----(eqn 2)

This simplifies to:

x = 97 

Therfore, "What divided by 97 equals 1?" is actually 97. For confirmation, placing 97 back into equation 1, we get:

97/97 = 1

Clearly, this verifies our calculation as the result is indeed a 1. If you wish to explore other similar problems, you can explore ones like:

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