
What Divided by 36 Equals 6?

Accepted Solution

Here is a HTML representation of the explained division problem, using variables. ```

We might phrase the problem "What divided by 36 equals 6?" in terms of variables. Let's call the unknown number as "x". Hence, our problem can be formulated as follows: "What number 'x', when divided by 36, equals 6?".

Mathematically, the problem can be written as \( \frac{x}{36} = 6 \).

To find the value of the variable 'x', we need to isolate 'x' on one side of the equation. We can achieve this by multiplying both sides of the equation with 36, which will give us: \( x = 6 * 36 \).

Hence, we find that \( x = 216 \). To verify this, let's substitute 216 in place of 'x' in our original equation and see if it holds true: \( \frac{216}{36} = 6 \).

Since the equation holds true, we can conclude that 'x' is indeed 216.

You can follow similar steps to solve other division problems or problems involving other mathematical operations. Here are some additional problems for practice:

  • What divided by 53 equals 83?
  • 96 divided by what equals 68?
  • What is 5/2 divided by 35?
  • What is 11/17 divided by 19/10?
  • What is 38 divided by 8/9?
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